Blogs Social Studies



Blogger is a free, convenient way to publish online. Google provides a simple format to post stories, pictures, and videos to a unique website. Viewers may then comment on posts, depending on settings. Apart from classroom applications like homework help, study guides, and homework listings, Blogger can be used to publish student projects and foster creativity.


Steps to publish with Blogger:<mpl=start#s01


To set up a blog, you need a Google account. If you do not have one, hit the ‘Sign Up’ button on the top right. Sign in with your Gmail address and password.


When signed in, hit ‘New Blog’ on the top left of the screen. You will be prompted to fill in a title, address and style for the blog.


When on the page that lists your blogs, simply hit the orange pencil icon to add a new post. Posts can be text or media files.


To add a media file, click the appropriate icon (insert image, insert video, insert link, etc.) Click ‘Choose Files’ button. You will now be able to select media files from your computer to upload. Click on the appropriate file, then hit ‘open’.  Repeat until all files for this post are uploaded. Finally, click the blue ‘add selected’ button at the bottom right of the screen.


When you are finished editing your post, click the orange ‘Update’ button.


Social Studies Applications in the Classroom by Standard


Colorado Academic Standard 1: History


Activity 1: Have students create a blog based on a person who had an impact on American history. Posts should be based on important events in this person’s life, comments could be created by their ‘contemporaries’ either to agree or disagree with their opinions. This would require a great amount of research, effort, and creativity, as students would have to not only create the blog for their figure, but also set up accounts for the commentators.


Activity 2: Students will research an important event during WWII (Pearl Harbor, crossing the Rhine, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, etc.). Students work in groups and write a news report on the events, and the teacher will video tape the performance. Videos will be uploaded under individual posts.


Colorado Academic Standard 1: Geography


Activity 1: Have students research a certain region. Elementary grades could research states or basic information (founding date, exports, size) about countries. Intermediate grades could research countries in higher detail, such as gross domestic product, literacy rates, average yearly incomes, etc. Each student will be expected to create a post about their area.


Colorado Academic Standard 1: Economics


Activity 1: Students work in groups to create a budget for their school. They are given a set amount to work with, and they will create proposals. They will be allowed to comment on other groups’ posts, so long as all comments are constructive. Groups will be allowed to rework their proposals based on the comments until the class votes on their favorite way of allocating money.


Activity 2: (For the elementary level) The teacher will set up posts for the different types of jobs: manufacturing, service, etc. Students will take pictures of people working in these different areas- with permission and parental help- and bring them in. They will be added to the appropriate posting. Students will use this blog to help them remember the different types of job industries.


Colorado Academic Standard 1: Civics


Activity 1: When students run for student council, have them organize a campaign using the blog. Each candidate will have a team of supporters who will help them post images of campaign posters, a video of the candidate giving a speech, and text describing their positions and qualifications.


Activity 2: Students will act out and video tape sketches about different types of governments. They will research, write and perform in groups. The teacher will post these videos, and the student- created definitions of the government types under separate posts.


Activity 3: Students will individually create blog posts that outline the history of different rights movements. They must include information about the leaders of the movement, who supported the movement, who was the opposition, and the eventual outcome.


Further Information and Examples