English- Voki (PB)

Voki in the English Classroom



General Information


What is Voki?


Voki is a free service which allows the user to create personalized, speaking avatars.  These avatars can be incorporated into a variety of online applications including email, blogs, and personal profiles. Parent company of Voki is Oddcast – which has been designing forward-thinking, user-friendly marriages of media and technology since 1999.




The name ‘Voki’ comes from the Latin word vox (voice) and Loki – a noted prankster in Norse mythology.




Classroom Applications

Voki is a tool which is not content- nor age- specific, which is advantageous for both teachers and students. At the same time, certain disadvantages also exist when utilizing this media technology in the classroom.












The advantages to using the Voki tool in the classroom seem to outweigh the disadvantages – and a skillful teacher will be able to work around the drawbacks through the development of personal expertise in navigating the Voki site, careful time-management, modeling, disallowing cell-phone use, and by ensuring that students are working with a clear, rubric-driven purpose in mind.



In the Secondary English Classroom


Ideas for Learning Opportunities: 




Using Voki in the English classroom at the secondary level provides students with a multitude of opportunities. A carefully-crafted lesson incorporating the use of the Voki tool will be fun for students, but will also offer an opportunity to hone essential skills – such as close reading and summarization. The sixty-second time limit for speech capabilities will compel students to carefully evaluate the information they are asking their avatars to convey. If the lesson is designed with collaborative efforts in mind, students will have the opportunity to hone inter-personal skills as they work with one another to meet the goals of the lesson. Once students become familiar with navigating the site and effectively utilizing the avatar tool as an assessment rather than just fun, offering the choice of utilizing the Voki tool might become a part of a differentiated assignment.




Sources / Resources:









